1- Handout: My Baptismal Covenants (Graphics 1-2) Print one card for each child. Color and cut. (You may want to laminate) 2- Activity: I can prepare (Graphics 3-4) Print one temple envelope and cards for each child. Let the children color, cut and glue their envelope together. Talk about ways they can prepare to go to the temple and let them cut the cards and put them in the envelope. 3- Object Lesson: Temple Sealing (Graphic 5-6) Show the children a jar of bottled peaches or other fruit. Talk to them about the importance of the seal that keeps the fruit from spoiling. If the lid was not sealed the fruit would spoil and be of no worth. Take an empty canning jar and put the family paper dolls in the jar. Do not put a lid on the jar. Shake the jar to represent the storms of life. Turn the bottle so that the dolls fall out. Place the dolls back in the jar and this time put the lid on. Shake hard and turn the bottle upside down. The family stays together because they are sealed inside the bottle. 4- Activity: Generation Chart (Graphic 7-8) In advance tell the children’s parents that their child needs to bring a list of his or her ancestors for a 4-generation chart. Print one chart for each child. For your sharing time, ask the teachers to help their class fill in their ancestor’s names. 5- Activity: Covered Wagon: (Graphic 10) Print one box for each child. Cut fold and glue. Fill with trail mix. 6- Game: Temple Crossword: (Graphics 11-14) Print both pages of the temple puzzle and follow printed directions. Print the answers and cut apart. Print the questions and follow the directions. 7- Game: Ancestral File (Graphics 15-16) Print all of the cards. There should be four cards for each person. Color and cut apart. Divide primary into two teams. Tell them that they need to search for their ancestors in the Ancestral File. Explain that this is a file of people all over the world and you can get on a computer to search for your ancestors. Each team must find all of their ancestors for four generations. They must find their parents (2), their grandparents (4), and their great grandparents (8). This is a total of 14 people. In order to find them you must actually find the match to the person you need, or two cards for each person. So this is basically a matching game, except that the team that finds all of their ancestors first, wins the game. You cannot get the same person twice, and if you do get them twice, you just found the ancestor for the other team. You must give them your cards, so if you find a match that you don’t need, don’t take the cards. 8-Singing Time Ideas; Pedigree Chart (Graphic 17) You will need to get a completed pedigree chart from a parent of one of the children in your ward. Make small and large word strips of the names on the pedigree chart. For the small word strips make the font size 14 or smaller and for the large word strips make the font size 72. Print two sets of the family faces. Color and cut out the faces. Glue one set of the family faces to Popsicle sticks. Wrap the end of the small word strip around the Popsicle stick just under the face and glue. Write the songs on the sticks. Put them in a can or bowl. For the pedigree chart you will need two pieces of poster board. Overlap the poster board 1-inch and glue. Draw a large pedigree chart on the poster board. Glue the other set of the family faces to the pedigree chart in the appropriate places. For singing time, tape the large pedigree chart to the chalkboard. Tell the children that we are going to learn how to fill in a pedigree chart. Tell them that the first thing we need to do is find our family members. Pick the child that you have the pedigree chart for and have him come up and paste his name word strip on the poster board where it belongs. Then ask one child at a time to come and help you find his ancestors. Ask him to find the mother in the can, then the father. If they pull out the wrong person, have them try again until they find the right one. If they get frustrated, tell them that sometimes it is frustrating looking for your ancestors but we must continue trying until they are found. After they find the person, give them the matching word strip to paste to the pedigree chart where it belongs. Sing the song that is written on the Popsicle stick and continue. When the pedigree chart is completed, challenge the children to go home and fill out their own pedigree chart. When it is time to leave, give each child a pedigree chart.